Sunday, October 7, 2012

New leg exercises

NEW 'LEG EXERCISES' for Kidney's Disease

For those having kidney diseases, at one of the blogs a Doctor suggested two leg exercises.
  • One leg exercise (leg lifts) calls for you to straighten your leg out in front of you while in a seated position.  
  • Another exercise (knee lifts) has you lifting your knee straight up and holding it while in the seated position.  
If both are combined the following comes up.

New Exercise:

Raise and Lift:  While seated, lift the knee up as far as comfortable, straighten the leg out in front, hold the leg straight for a count of five, lower the leg, and then lower the knee back to the starting position.  Now switch to the other leg.

knee-lifts leg-lift

Switch back and forth until you have done 10 repetitions (or as many as comfortable).

Hip Abduction/Adduction:  Sit up straight with your legs in front of you.  Slowly move the legs widely apart, then together again.  Relax.   Repeat 15-20 times to complete one set. 


Note:  To avoid straining your lower back, use the armrests of a chair for assistance, and tighten your stomach before you lift and separate your legs.

Give these new exercises a see how it works for you.

If you need further interesting information please visit: 

A blog on Naturopathy reports ....

A new review of studies has found that reducing the amount of salt in 'diabetics' daily diet is key to warding off serious threats to their health. In the Cochrane review, the authors evaluated 13 studies with 254 adults who had either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. For an average duration of one week, participants were restricted to large reduction in their daily salt intake to see how the change would affect their blood pressure.

"We were surprised to find so few studies of modest, practical salt reduction in diabetes where patients are at high cardiovascular risk and stand much to gain from interventions that reduce blood pressure," said lead reviewer Rebecca Suckling. "However, despite this, there was a consistent reduction in blood pressure when salt intake was reduced."

High salt intake is a major cause for increased blood pressure and, in those with diabetes, elevated blood pressure can lead to more serious health problems, including stroke, heart attack and diabetic kidney disease. In the Cochrane review, the participants' average salt intake was restricted by 11.9 grams a day for those with type 1 diabetes and by 7.3 grams a day for those with type 2. The reviewers wrote that reducing salt intake by 8.5 grams a day could lower patients' blood pressure by 7/3 mmHg. This was true for patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The reviewers noted that this reduction in blood pressure is similar to that found from taking blood pressure medication. Suckling acknowledged that studies in the review only lasted for a week and that the type of salt restriction probably would not be manageable for longer periods. However, Suckling said, the review also found that in studies greater than two weeks, where salt was reduced by a more achievable and sustainable amount of 4.5 grams a day, blood pressure was reduced by 6/4 mmHg.

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